Wednesday, August 6, 2008

How to get High Priced training Results for Low Cost Investment ....

Here is How the M2 Fitness Pros Program Design Works

Choose from one of the following options/services below. When we receive notification of payment, we will email you our online assessment along with passcodes to acquire all of the information needed and promptly start you on your program. Program design will take approximately five to seven days, once completed you will receive it via email notification. We are precise, stand behind our work and put a lot of time into your program design.

You want and deserve the best, then expect to pay for it and have patience, we do not take your money or time lightly. Once you start the program you are required to email us you're training journal and menu every Friday for review. However, if you fail to email us, do not expect much progress. We will expect our clients to act responsibly, while holding themselves to the high standards we set for ourselves. We are not here to motivate you, you must be motivated enough to invest in yourself and in the program! You’re paying for measurable results and that is what we provide and deliver.

Regarding the journal, just use MS word or Excel to record each workout/menu along with any comments that need our attention.

Result-Driven M2 Fitness Pros Personalized Online Programs, WHY?

1. Whether you're a beginner or a competitive pro, you will look and feel like a world class athlete. The programs are created based on your specific goals, fitness levels, personality type, equipment and time availability. Everything from gender, daily stress, age, to quality of sleep/life, and nutrition are taken into consideration. We recommend that our clients schedule blood work for testosterone levels, IGF-1, DHEA, Cortisol levels, etc (MD recommendations for LA area clients), while this is not a requirement, this information is very useful and the clients that do take the time to make this investment benefit tremendously. Keep in mind that generic programs do not take all of the above into account.

2. Teamwork... you’re accountable to yourself and us. The upkeep of the training/menu journal is to ensure that you're moving in the right direction. In order to monitor progress, this is a must! If we're not seeing progress, we will find out why and get you back on track. You are not alone. Just getting into the habit of journal entries is worth the price of our service alone. However, if you do not email us your journal do not expect to gain results.

3. Challenge...we will challenge you to continue to raise the bar! When someone else is monitoring what you’re doing there is a natural human drive to improve. Who wants to show no progress week after week? Who wants to tell someone that they did not feel like working out? We are here to guide you and get you results.

4. will have access to us via email during the entire duration of the program to make sure that you stay on track, however, post all of your questions with your weekly journal report and we will respond in a timely manner. It is easy to give up when accountability is not part of the equation.

5. Investment...when you spend good money for a service you will take it seriously. Do you value free advice? It is that simple. We have people email us everyday for free advice. Given the fact that we provide tons of free information thru Q & A’s routinely on several forum boards. Life is about sacrifice. You must give in order to receive and/or get something in return. Of course, simply paying for a service does not guarantee success. You must follow through with the advice that is given to you. Also, people that invest in us for our advice make better progress than people that read the free articles or responses on our sites and then try to achieve their goals alone.

6. Workouts are fun, motivational, efficient, and challenging! Let’s face it, when training gets stagnant then it becomes very easy to skip workouts. We know what strategies work and nothing is more fun than making progress. You'll agree after you've had a chance to work with us. Just read or listen to our client testimonials. More importantly our workouts and menu plans work!

7. Balance...regardless of you’re goals, the programs are always balanced. Many people design their own programs according to their strengths or around what they enjoy doing. This is a big mistake and always leads to imbalances. This is also why many men are top heavy and why many women spend too much time on their lower body. And one of the main reasons why it is a difficult task to design a solid program for you. A balanced program is critical for avoiding injuries, weak links, imbalances and a less than prize winning physique.

8. Individualized...the programs are based on what equipment you have access to. If you want a program that focuses on figure competition/bodybuilding training, no problem. Want to workout at the gym, no problem. Want to combine the gym with outdoor training workouts or home, we can make it happen and organize you’re program to ensure progress.

Why Sign Up For a Personalized Program?

1. You have been training for years and have not come close to your goals.
2. You have tried to figure out what works for you on your own and it’s not working.
3. You are tired of having no energy, feeling fatigued everyday.
4. You have been fighting your weight for years and zip fatloss.
5. You have a lot of self respect and do not want to leave your goals to chance.
6. You value your time and do not want to waste it on unproductive training programs.
7. You need accountability, someone in your corner to keep you on track.
8. You are self motivated and energetic, you just do not know where to start.
9. You are not getting any younger and if you do not take charge of your health now, when will you?
10.You realize that training needs to be personalized. However, you do not have the time to figure it out on your own.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to have a gym membership to sign up for your program?
A: No, many of our online clients do not have a commercial gym
membership and we can design a program based on what you have access to.

Q: I have a home gym, can I sign up for your program?
A: Sure. It really depends on your training goals and what you have access to at home.

Q: If I live in the LA area, can I set up a program personally?
A: Absolutely, this is the best option and allows a more precise visual assessment of you’re situation.

Q: Is nutrition and supplement information included in the service?
A: We will recommend some supplements based on the answers that you provide in the profile questionnaire and also provide some basic nutrition guidelines. However, the program does not include a personalized “supplementation” plan. Programs are reviewed.

Q: Is a three month programming simply one program with three months of consulting?
A: No, the program is modified every month to keep things fresh and to keep progress coming. Modifications may also be made every week or two depending on what is going on. However, if you do not send us you’re training journal regularly as expected do not expect any modifications. We need to see how things are working for you to make changes.

Q: Can I call you up to talk about the program?
A: We prefer that we communicate by email. It is much more efficient for both of us. We do offer phone coaching for a nominal investment.

Q: What if I am not familiar with an exercise that you recommend?
A: I will send you photos, videos and descriptions of the exercise. Also, if the exercise is not a fit, we will have you do something else.

Q: I'm a complainer and I'm unmotivated. I like to blame others for my lack of progress. Am I a fit for your service?
A: You may not be ready for this level of commitment. We work with proactive people that want to make positive changes. We recommend that you become more consistent first with you’re training.

Q: I do not have a PayPal account, can I pay via credit card or check?
A: Sure, keep in mind that you do not need to have a PayPal account to pay for a service. All that you need is a credit card. Just add a program to the cart and click the "secure checkout" button. It is very safe and secure.

Be honest with yourself, not blaming others for lack of progress when you’re not following our recommendations. If you have been overweight for ten years do not expect to undue all of the damage you have done to yourself in one month. Instead of expecting instant gratification, have a long run approach.

Train hard, Dream Big... m2 4life!